Anyssa Balbas
Our ecosystem is destroyed. Our mouse has dug up everything. The mouse would dig up the growing plants and put them in the fishes bowl. I'm really surprised the fish has lived through what the mouse has done. My group and I have decided to take the mouse out of our ecosystem that way it can actually look like an ecosystem. Now the only animals we have are the fire bellied toad and the yellow spotted salamander. We decided to do a reconstruction of our bio bubble. The fish bowl is now located in the middle of our bio bubble.
Dr. Kevin Bauman
11/26/2013 12:19:07 am

Why do you think the mouse behaved this way? Do you think the surroundings affected his behave? Did fellow classmates or other students possibly harass the mouse or tap on the bio bubble?

Dr. C.S. Sanders
11/26/2013 03:16:07 am

What caused you to decide to change the position of your fish bowl inside your ecosystem? How has the uprooting of your plants affected them?
How do you predict these changes to affect your ecosystem?

Anyssa Balbas
12/3/2013 06:55:16 am

I personally don't know why the mouse acted the way it did. Yes, there probably wasn't enough space for it to live in. Or maybe it was the other animals that made it behave the way it did.I don't think any of my classmates would harass our animals. We didn't think it looked good enough. After we took the mouse out We decided it would look better with the plants growing around the fish bowl instead.


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Biology Class