Anyssa Balbas
We are getting everything ready to seal up our bio bubbles. My group and I checked the Ph levels and we are neutral. Our soil is good and moist. We have a lot of moisture in our ecosystem. Now since we just recently took out the mouse, we rebuilt everything and the tunnels are gone, so now stitch the salamander cant burrow in them.
We have a lot of beans growing now. Our water cycle is going very well. We replaced our fire bellied toad with a common brown toad. I haven't gotten to do any research on him yet. He sure does like to eat crickets though.
Our ecosystem is destroyed. Our mouse has dug up everything. The mouse would dig up the growing plants and put them in the fishes bowl. I'm really surprised the fish has lived through what the mouse has done. My group and I have decided to take the mouse out of our ecosystem that way it can actually look like an ecosystem. Now the only animals we have are the fire bellied toad and the yellow spotted salamander. We decided to do a reconstruction of our bio bubble. The fish bowl is now located in the middle of our bio bubble.
Our mouse has dug a couple tunnels all the way around our bubble. I think our salamander has burrowed himself in one of the tunnels. i hope hes gonna be okay. Our fish has made it through the past two days of the mouse putting stuff in his bowl.

Day 8-



Today we are working on our food webs and our water cycle. Our salamander will burrow him self in a hole that he digs. Ive done some research on him and it says that this salamander loves to be in very moist places.

Day 7-



We finally got our albino mouse in our ecosystem. Her name is Nany. We put her in the ecosystem and her reaction to it was amazing. She went crazy and was crawling on the piece of bark that we have set up against. We have a water cycle happening now. We have condensation, precipitation, and our

Day 6-



We decided to add some frogs in our ecosystem. They're red bellied toads. Named Lilo and Nana. Our fish decided he didn't want to live anymore so we decided to bury him in the dirt for more nutrients. He will hopefully decompose fast. We Added some more plants today to make our ecosystem look more green.

Day 5-



Today we are going to get started on our food chains. We put some plants in our bio bubble today and we added a beta fish. The plants that we planted as beans are starting to sprout. The grasshoppers we had before already died because they had nothing to eat. Now that we have some plants growing i hope the ones we have now will live.

Day 4-



Today we finished adding the dirt and potting soil. We planted some beans and lettuce. A couple other plants too. We have some rollie pollies and some grasshoppers. We have a little hole dug out for the pond and the fish.

Day 3-



We want to try to get started on putting some dirt in our ecosystem. we want to pick out our plants. We're gonna mix some potting soil and dirt for the bottom of the ecosystem.

Biology Class