Anyssa Balbas

Day 6-



We decided to add some frogs in our ecosystem. They're red bellied toads. Named Lilo and Nana. Our fish decided he didn't want to live anymore so we decided to bury him in the dirt for more nutrients. He will hopefully decompose fast. We Added some more plants today to make our ecosystem look more green.
Dr. Kevin Bauman
11/20/2013 12:19:31 am

I recently viewed your weebly site. I am impressed with the work, however I would like to know more about the ecosystem your are currently working on. What biome did you choose and why? What animals, plants and insects did you possibly include in your biome? Is there symbiosis occurring in your ecosystem? Explain the presence of radiant energy in your ecosystem.
In the future, be aware of grammatical errors in you blogs. Your grammar will affect your work. Add commas or semicolons, be aware of capital letters in the middle of sentences that shouldn't be there.
Remember to blog everyday. Ask me questions.
Keep up the good work. It will pay off.

Anyssa balbas
11/21/2013 12:49:40 am

I will make sure and be careful with my spelling. We decided to do a woodland. It's a good habitat for the salamander and the toad. The salamander likes to dig holes and burrow in them. We have a salamander named Stitch, a frog named Lilo, and a albino mouse named Nani. We also have some grasshoppers and some pill bugs for our insects. For our plants we have some lettuce plants, spider plants, radishes and some beans.


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