Anyssa Balbas
Our mouse has dug a couple tunnels all the way around our bubble. I think our salamander has burrowed himself in one of the tunnels. i hope hes gonna be okay. Our fish has made it through the past two days of the mouse putting stuff in his bowl.
Dr. Rita Neupane
12/3/2013 12:01:17 am

Why do you think your fish has survived? Do you think that your fish quickly adapted to what was dropped into his bowl? Do you think that if you left that mouse in your biome that the fish would have died? Do you think the fish would have died of stress?

I am excited to see your biome grow and prosper. I want to see some good pictures.
Dr. Rita Neupane

Anyssa Balbas
12/3/2013 01:05:40 am

I think that our fish did adapt to stuff being thrown in its bowl. Yes, i personally think the mouse would've killed it. I thought it would've been better to take the mouse out, because of the damage he did. I don't know if the fish would've died of stress, I think it would've died because lack of space and lack of being able to move.

Anyssa Balbas
12/3/2013 01:06:59 am

I will make sure and post a lot of good pictures. Sorry i didn't think to put that in my last post.


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